在很多离婚诉讼当中,我们客户的案件往往涉及到在中国和加拿大两地的资产,包括在北京、上海等各大城市的公司、地产和投资等等。中加两地的在国机资产方面的司法管辖权(Jurisdiction)争议,是这类案件的重点之一。迈林律师事务所拥有丰富的诉讼经验,在律所创办人洛恩-迈克林御用大律师(Lorne MacLean Q.C.)的带领之下,处理过大量的海外资产争议,能为您解决这些复杂的法律问题。
面对国际离婚和家庭法案件,迈林与中国的大型国际律所共同合作。迈林在温哥华市中心Vancouver、列治文Richmond、素里Surrey、基隆那Kelowna和卡尔加里Calgary都设有办公室,方便与您见面。我们的中文电话是604 682 6466,欢迎您随时拨打,与我们进行中文谘询。
在 Parker v Mitchel 2016 BCSC 723 一案,BC最高法院的法官就在配偶赡养费和分产问题上,遇到了BC省和美国加州的司法管辖权争议。他为此说明了有关的法律分析步骤。下面,我们的中文律师团队以此案为基础,为您讲解在《卑诗省家庭法法令》下,关于国外资产管辖权的分析流程。
13 On the question of whether the court may make an order, both statutes adopt a test of real and substantial connection and specify circumstances under which that connection is deemed to exist. The relevant section of the FLA is s. 106:
Determining whether to act under this Part
106(1) This section applies if an order respecting property division, respecting the same spouses, may be made in more than one jurisdiction.
(2) Despite any other provision of this Part, the Supreme Court has authority to make an order under this Part only if one of the following conditions is met:
. . .
(c) either spouse is habitually resident in British Columbia at the time a proceeding under this Part is started;
(d) there is a real and substantial connection between British Columbia and the facts on which the proceeding under this Part is based.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2) (d), a real and substantial connection is presumed to exist if one or more of the following apply:
(a) property that is the subject of the proceeding is located in British Columbia;
(b) the most recent common habitual residence of the spouses was in British Columbia;
(c) a notice of family claim with respect to the spouses has been issued under the Divorce Act (Canada) in British Columbia.

BC省法院首先要看的因素是,假如在BC 省审理案件,到底要按照BC省的家庭法,还是另一个管辖区的法律作判决。BC家庭法第107条和108条,列出了考虑因素,包括另一个管辖区的法律是否属于夫妻共有财产制(regime of community of property)、双方最近期的共同常住地区等。
41 The provisions of the FLA governing the court’s discretion to decline to exercise its jurisdiction are s. 106 (4) and (5):
106 . . .
(4) Despite subsection (2), a court may decline to make an order under this Part if the court, having regard to the interests of the spouses and the ends of justice, considers that it is more appropriate for jurisdiction to be exercised outside British Columbia.
(5) In determining whether to decline jurisdiction under subsection (4), the court must consider all of the following:
. . .
(b) the relative convenience and expense for the spouses and their witnesses;
(c) if section 108 [choice of law rules] applies, the law to be applied to issues in the proceeding;
(d) the desirability of avoiding multiple proceedings or conflicting decisions in different courts or tribunals;
(e) the extent to which an order respecting property or debt
(i) made in another jurisdiction would be enforceable in British Columbia, and
(ii) made in British Columbia would be enforceable in another jurisdiction;
(f) the fair and efficient working of the Canadian legal system as a whole;
(g) any other circumstances the court considers relevant.
迈林律师事务所拥有许多高资产的华人客户,无论您是来自中国、香港、台湾或其他地区,我们了解您的需要。我们的中文离婚律师团队是卑诗省最强大的团队之一。我们的中文电话是 604 682 6466——如果您有需要,请随时拨打,我们会为您竭诚服务。