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温哥华迈林律师事务所家庭法团队对于国际离婚和海外资产纠纷案件有着丰富的经验。在过去,BC最高法院(BC Supreme Court)对于国际离婚和海外资产纠纷案例做出了一系列判决。案件中牵扯美国和一些发达欧洲国家居多。对于涉及到海外财产的划分问题时,这些地区的法律相对和BC省家庭法较匹配。



  1. 国际离婚案的双方和财产往往分离在不同的法治区,BC法律和中国法律是否“法律冲突”?
  2. BC法院到底有没有管辖权来审判您的案件?
  3. 案中双方、子女及财产和卑诗省之间是否有足够的“紧密联系”?
  4. BC法院会不会认定中国法院更适合来审判您的案件?



Ma v. Li, 2016 BCSC 469


  1. 法庭明确说明了在BC家庭法下,起诉方需要证明管辖权的存在:

[20] The burden of proof in establishing territorial competence or jurisdiction is on the party who seeks to establish its existence.

这非常复合之前两个其他案例的判决:Monteiro v. Monteiro, 2015 BCSC 1543 (CanLII), 2015 BCSC1543 ; Aleong v Aleong, 2013 BCSC 1428 (CanLII) at para. 80.

  1. 即使法庭拥有管辖权,也可以按照BC家庭法案项下第106条款列出的条件做出拒绝受理的判决:

[28] However, this Court can decline jurisdiction in accordance with s. 106(4). As enumerated in s. 106(6), a decision to decline jurisdiction under (4) is to be made solely by reference to this section of the FLA, and therefore, in consideration of the factors enumerated in (5).

  1. 可能是本案最重要的一点:BC省法庭第一次直接声明中国法庭的判决在BC省是会被承认和执行的。关于这点,本文笔者有些保留。在判决书中,法庭并没有深入的对此给出解释。其普遍的可用度还需进一步深入的确认。

[34] The orders made in the Chinese Court would be, and in fact are enforceable in British Columbia pursuant to s. 10(k) of the Court Jurisdiction and Proceedings Transfer Act

  1. “避免重复诉讼”和“法律制度的公正与高效”都是BC法庭很关心的问题。

[35] In the circumstances before me, I find that the fair and efficient working of the Canadian legal system requires this Court to respect the jurisdiction and orders of the Chinese court. It does not benefit our system to permit parties who are dissatisfied with court orders handed down in another jurisdiction to use our legal system as a means of appeal, or as a way to initiate new proceedings to mount another attack on issues that have been decided. To permit Mr. Ma to act as he has in this case would undermine the fair and efficient working of the Canadian legal system.

[39] By this court declining jurisdiction, there will be no duplicative proceedings with the potential for conflicting orders.  This decision meets the “ends of justice” and supports the fair and efficient working of the Canadian legal system as a whole.

Ma v. Li, 2016 BCSC 469这起案例会对律师分解今后的国际离婚和海外资产纠纷案件有着非常大的帮助。迈林律师事务所的家庭法团队对于相关案例一直都有密切的关注。让我们帮助您做出对自己利益最大化的规划。如果您有大量资产分布在世界两地,请务必对管辖权的问题给与足够的重视。


迈林律师事务所经常处理复杂的国际离婚案件,对此领域有大量的经验。我们在温哥华(Vancouver),素里(Surrey),克隆那(Kelowna),圣约翰堡(Fort St-John)都有办公室。无论您在哪里,让迈林律师事务所为您提供国际化、全方位的法律服务。

若您想联系我们,请拨打我们的中文专线:604 682 6466,我们将竭诚为您服务。

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