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离婚本来应该是和平的过程,但有很多时候都会有一方对另一方提出恶意诬告以谋求自身利益,或是在官司过程中隐藏财产、编造谎言,对方造成极大的精神压力和大量的额外诉讼费用。碰到这种情况该怎么应对,有没有方法可以阻止、惩罚如此行为?答案是“有的”——下面文章中为您介绍的“特殊惩罚金”(special costs),就是其中的一种:如果争取成功,法庭会判罚对方支付您的全部或部分律师费用。

Westsea Construction Ltd. v. 0759553 B.C. Ltd., 2013 BCSC 1352这个案例中,卑诗省最高法庭总结出是否批准“特殊惩罚金”取决于对方的行为是否“应受谴责”(reprehensible)。

"應受譴責"這個詞的意義是比較廣泛的。 它包括惡意訛詐,造謠誹謗的方面,也包括其它等級更輕微的訴訟不端行為。

W v. J这个案例中,本所为客户成功争取到特殊惩罚金,让对方支付因为他恶意隐瞒财产、抗拒法庭令而为客户造成的高达几十万的诉讼费用。

在省最高法院8月25日发出的CLM v. MJS 2017 BCSC 1517这个案例中,原告因为在诉讼过程当中屡次违抗法庭令,提供虚假证词、坚持不批露财产、滥用诉讼程序、恶意拖延诉讼进程等行为,被判罚赔偿对方的律师诉讼费。


[9] [The Claimant had] engaged in highly manipulative behaviour, not only with her children, members of her family, the respondent, the RCMP and the Ministry, but with the court as well. She has frequently disobeyed Court Orders, been untruthful in aspects of her evidence and has been obstructionist in her dealings with those in authority. …

22      The claimant repeatedly cancelled, thwarted or otherwise undermined the respondent’s court ordered parenting time with the child. This conduct not only harmed the administration of justice generally, it also significantly emotionally harmed the respondent and the child.

23      The claimant failed to provide complete financial disclosure, despite Orders and repeated requests by the Court to do so. The claimant has never provided a complete financial statement in these proceedings.

24      The claimant also failed to abide by several Conduct Orders. As examples, the claimant failed to keep the respondent apprised of her residential address, failed to consult the respondent before enrolling the child in extracurricular activities, failed to keep court-related discussions and other court materials away from the children, failed to encourage the child to have a good relationship with the respondent and failed to make a real effort to maintain polite and respectful communications with the respondent.

25      The claimant also failed to comply with many procedural Orders, such as filing a Trial Brief and preparing updated Lists of Documents, as required under the Family Rules.

26      The claimant also failed to abide by or cooperate with the court ordered sale of the family residence. As a result of her total non-participation, the respondent was forced to bring additional court applications in order to complete the sale process.

29      The claimant’s negative and obstructionist attitude toward Court Orders and court proceedings generally forced the respondent to incur significant unnecessary litigation expenses, which not only damaged his financial well-being, but his emotional well-being as well.

30      Overall, I agree with the respondent that the claimant’s litigation conduct constitutes abuse of both the respondent and the child. I agree with his position that “the claimant exhibited an overall pattern of deliberate non-compliance and obstructionism that went well beyond zealous argument for her legal position — she used it as a weapon”.


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