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在之前的blog中,我們介紹了新冠病毒對孩子撫養費和配偶贍養費產生影響的案例。 然而在一個最新的安大略法院的判決中,法官因為新冠病毒而產生的不確定因素,拒絕對財產分割做出判決。 以下由我們多倫多中文離婚律師團隊為您介紹案件相關部分。

Jayawickrema v. Jayawickrema這個案例中,安大略Superior Court of Justice評價道:在庭審之後,妻子的生意受到了新冠病毒的直接波及,因為她的生意涉及到學生,所以安大略省對於社交隔離的規定影響到她經營生意的能力。

Neither party affirmatively dealt with the issue of unconscionability  in their evidence even though it was a trial issue. No case law was provided to the Court. The wife seems to have been oblivious to the possibility that she could be exposed to such a claim and the husband dismissed it entirely. This is especially concerning for a couple of reasons:

(a)   Since the trial concluded, the COVID-19 pandemic has decimated the global economy. It was inferentially clear from the wife’s evidence that her business involved students and, quite possibly, people in close contact with each other. Public Health guidelines and restrictions have likely impacted the wife’s ability to operate her business, pay the mortgage on its premises and thus fund any equalization payment; ...



While I have every reason to suspect that the current pandemic is having, and may for the foreseeable future have, an impact on the wife’s business and possibly the value of her realty, I am not persuaded that she has met the exceptionally high evidentiary onus for unconscionability required by s. 5(6)(h) of the Act.

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