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Lorne MacLean, QC and Founder, Vancouver family Lawyer

在婚姻過程中,父母或其他人可能會給了您一些財務,比如是買房的首期款。 這些需要分割,算作家庭財產嗎? 或者,法官會怎麼判斷他們是否是真的贈與,還是其他形式的轉帳呢? 這個需要三個條件:

  • The first one is that the individual making the transfer actually intends to make a gift; it must be demonstrated that the donor’s objective was to make a gift when he or she transferred the property. (第一個是進行轉讓的個人實際上打算贈與; 必須證明捐贈者的目的是在轉讓財產時贈與。 )
  • The second condition is that the donee accepts the gift made to him or her; the donee must agree to the transfer of property that the donor made in his or her favour.(第二個條件是受贈人接受送給他或她的禮物; 受贈人必須同意轉讓贈與人為他或她而進行的財產。 )
  • In general, such acceptance is presumed once the third condition is met, that is to say the delivery of the property that is the subject-matter of the transfer by the donor to the donee. (一般而言,一旦滿足第三個條件,即交付作為贈與人轉讓標的物的財產,即推定接受。 )
  • The donor has to divest him or herself of the property; he or she has to place it in the possession of the donee. This delivery confirms the donor’s intent to make the gift[5] and must be deemed to be unequivocal since the courts will refuse to intervene to perfect a gift that is not complete. (捐贈人必須剝離他或她自己的財產; 他或她必須將其交由受贈人擁有。 這種交付確認了捐贈人製作禮物的意圖,並且必須被視為明確無誤,因為法院將拒絕干預以完善不完整的禮物。 )

如果您在這個方面有疑問,歡迎致電我們:604 682 6466.

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